Classes:Royal Knight DragonKnight Weight:100000
Armor Class:-8Type:Armor
Safe Enchant:0Material:Bone
Grade:NoGradeDamage Reduction:0
Bow Hit Bonus:0Weight Reduction:0
Strength Bonus:2Intelligence Bonus:0
Constitution Bonus:0Wisdom Bonus:-2
Dexterity Bonus:2Charisma Bonus:-2
Health Bonus:0Mana Bonus:0
Health Regen Bonus:5Mana Regen Bonus:0
Magic Defense Bonus:0Spell Power Bonus:0
Fire Defense:0Earth Defense:0
Water Defense:0Wind Defense:0

Looks like it could become custom armor for anyone. But because of a unique scent of "death", the wearer and the creatures around are all likely to suffer.


Minimum Level:45  

Npc NameMinMaxChance (%)Tier
Death 1 1 2.8% All

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